Velocity Lapse

Velocity Lapse User Guide

Last updated 6/18/2024 (Currently incomplete)


Velocity Lapse is a fully-featured tool to create stunning time-lapse videos with your mobile device. This guide goes over the main features and interface elements of Velocity Lapse so that you can use the app to its full potential.

Tip: Long pressing on most interface elements will bring up a tooltip.
Note: This guide currently assumes you are using the PRO version.
TODO: mark PRO features.

Capture Modes

You can choose between two capture modes, each with specific features designed for creating different types of time-lapses.

Timelapse Mode

Capture time-lapses using a set interval to capture images automatically, with an optional frame limit, delay, and other features.
Create beautiful time-lapses of subjects like clouds, sunrises, sunsets, city life, studying, art processes, and more. Watch the changes of the world around you over time, condensed into a few seconds through time-lapse photography.

Photolapse Mode

Capture photos individually to create a time-lapse of an event happening over an extended period of time without leaving your device on location.
At an interval you choose, line up the last image with the previous photo, capture a photo, and repeat.
Photolapse mode is great for capturing time-lapses of long events like construction projects or plant growth that can last over weeks, months, or even years. It can also be used for hyper-lapses or stop-motion.

Home Screen


The top-bar contains buttons that are shown across tabs for easy access. In order from left to right:
PRO Upgrade Button
Shown only in the free version of Velocity Lapse, tapping this button displays the PRO upgrade screen where you can purchase the PRO version of Velocity Lapse.
Storage Selector Button
Displays how much storage is remaining at the current storage location. The storage location is where your projects and time-lapse images will be saved. By default, the storage location is set to your device internal storage. Tapping on the Storage Selector brings up a menu to choose between internal and, if an SD card is inserted and mounted, external storage.
Settings Button
The button opens the settings screen.


At the bottom of the screen are four tabs, separating the functionality of Velocity Lapse. In order from left to right:
Timelapse Tab
Upon opening Velocity Lapse, you will see the contents of the Timelapse tab. This tab is where you can manage your Timelapse mode projects and create new Timelapse projects.
Photolapse Tab
The Photolapse tab is where you can manage your Photolapse mode projects and create new Photolapse projects.
Import Tab
The Import tab allows you to select images captured with an external camera (DLSR, GoPro, etc.) from your device gallery to import as a new Timelapse project.
Gallery Tab
The Gallery tab is where you can view and manage videos that you have exported from Velocity Lapse.

Creating Projects

For both Timelapse and Photolapse mode, you can create a new project by tapping on the large, blue New Timelapse or New Photolapse buttons, respectively.
If the Ask For A Project Name setting is enabled in settings, you will be prompted to give a name when creating new projects. Otherwise, a default project name will be set.

Project Management

Both Timelapse and Photolapse mode have a similar interface for managing projects.
Each project is shown with a thumbnail of the most recent image, the name of the project, the date the project was last edited, the number of capture images (frames), the image resolution, and icons to indicate whether it is an imported project and/or if the project has been exported to video or an image sequence.
The icon indicates that the project was created by importing images.
The icon (single check-mark) indicates that the project has been exported to either video OR an image sequence.
The icon (double check-marks) indicates that the project has been exported to both video AND an image sequence.
Project Options
Tapping on the three dots button brings up a menu to rename the project or delete the project and images permanently.
Sorting Projects
You can sort the ordering of the project by tapping the sort button .
Photolapse Projects
For Photolapse projects, tapping the Capture Photo button shows the Photolapse screen where you can capture another photo to add to the project.

Timelapse Screen

The Timelapse mode screen allows you to create time-lapses using a set interval.

Timelapse Top Bar

In Timelapse mode, at the bottom of the screen (or at the left side of the screen when in landscape orientation) is the top bar. From left to right (or bottom to top in landscape mode):

Time Delay Before Start

Delay up to 1 minute before actually starting the capture after the capture button is tapped. This is useful for avoiding capturing shake and bumps of the phone when turning off the screen, etc. immediately after starting the capture.

Display Options

Switch between 4 different camera grid styles, or turn the grid off.

Toggle showing capture info onscreen even when the capture settings are not shown.

Capture Resolution

Change the resolution of the captured photos from preset options. If the selected resolution preset is not available on the device, it will automatically drop down to the closest supported resolution. Max available resolution looks for the highest supported resolution available to third-party devices.

Timelapse Bottom Bar

In Timelapse mode, at the bottom of the screen (or at the right side of the screen when in landscape orientation) is the bottom bar. From left to right (or bottom to top in landscape mode):

Capture Settings Button

Opens the Capture Settings.

Capture Button

Starts the Timelapse capture.

Camera Settings Button

Opens the Camera Settings.

Timelapse Capture Settings

The Timelapse capture settings is where you can control the speed and length of your time-lapse.


Timelapse Camera Settings


The Timelapse mode interface
Display options
Capture settings
Camera settings

Photolapse Screen

The Photolapse mode screen allows you to create time-lapses, hyper-lapses or stop-motion animations by capturing individual photos yourself.

Photolapse Bottom Bar

In Photolapse mode, at the bottom of the screen (or at the side of the screen when in landscape orientation) is the bottom bar. From left to right:

Previous Frames

Tap to open the current project in the Editor screen. A thumbnail of the last captured photo and the total number of photos in the Photolapse project is displayed.

Capture Resolution

Change the resolution of the captured photos from preset options. If the selected resolution preset is not available on the device, it will automatically drop down to the closest supported resolution. Max available resolution looks for the highest supported resolution available to third-party devices.

Capture Button

Capture a photo.

Camera Settings Button

Opens the Camera Settings.

Photolapse Settings Button

Opens the Photolapse Settings.

Photolapse Camera Settings

Starting from the top left to right:


Control the camera zoom.


Switch between the camera lenses that are available to third-party apps. Lenses are displayed for the current camera direction.

Flip Camera Direction

Flip the direction of the current camera, from back to front or front to back.

Exposure Value

The EV (exposure value) slider adjusts the camera auto exposure, making the image brighter or darker.

Photolapse Settings

Starting from the top left to right:

Camera Grid Options

Switch between 4 different camera grid styles, or turn the grid off.

Camera Marker

Toggle displaying a movable marker that will persist in the same spot each time you open the camera to capture a photo. Simply tap and drag to set the marker position. The marker is especially useful for keeping track of a specific point in view when creating hyper-lapses.

Overlay Opacity

Change the opacity of the previous photo that is placed over the camera preview.

Editor Screen

The editor displays all of the captured images for the project. You can preview your time-lapse at ~14fps, delete individual frames (images), and import/export.


Velocity Lapse can import images from your gallery as a new project, or into an existing project. The PRO version allows you to import more than 400 images at one time.

As A New Project

To import images from your gallery as a new project, navigate to the Import tab and tap one of the buttons to select either a folder of images or individual images.

Select Folder
Choose a folder on your device or SD card to import as a new Timelapse project.
Select Images
Choose individual images from your photo gallery to import as a new Timelapse project. Please note that the Android image picker is not meant for thousands of images and it will crash if you try. Instead, to import large amounts of images, please use Select Folder.

Into An Existing Project

To import images from your gallery into an existing project, tap an existing project to open it in the Editor, and find the Import button near the bottom of the screen (portrait orientation only). Then tap one of the buttons to select either a folder of images or individual images.

The imported images will be added after the last image of the existing project.


Velocity Lapse can export to either MP4 video or a JPG image sequence.

Choose the export format by selecting either the MP4 video or JPG images option.

MP4 Video

MP4 video is a widely used video file format (called a “container”). There are two common video codecs used with MP4:
H.264 (also known as AVC)
H.265 (also known as HEVC)
Velocity Lapse exports H.264 MP4 video, which is the most widely supported video codec. In the future Velocity Lapse may also support HEVC, which offers up to 50% better compression, and thus smaller video file sizes.
The settings from top to bottom:
The output resolution of the video. Some options may be disabled if the resolution of the images are not high enough to export at the a certain video resolution. (e.g: If the images are HD, the 4K option will be disabled.)
Bit-rate controls the quality of the output video. Specifically, it controls the data rate of bits per second. Higher values result in more data per second, but also result in larger video file sizes. The actual bit-rate the selected option in Mbps is shown above the Export video button.
FPS refers to “frames per second”, meaning how many images will be shown per second of video playback time. This changes the length of the final video.

JPG Images

Velocity Lapse captures Time-lapses as JPG images so you full control over your project and can export the image sequence for use in other applications.
From top to bottom:
The output location where the JPG image sequence will be saved. This can be changed by setting the folder of the Image Export Save Location setting.
The number of images that will be exported as an image sequence.
Storage Required
The amount of storage required to export the project as an image sequence.

Settings Screen

The settings screen allows you to change global and specific options for how the app behaves and more. From top to bottom:
Share Feedback Or Suggestion
Help make Velocity Lapse better by share your feedback and comments with me (the developer).
Filename Format
The format used for naming the captured image files. Unless you have a specific reason to change this, in most cases you will want to leave it set to Frame Number and Timestamp (the default).
Default Capture Resolution
The default capture resolution that should be set when creating a new Timelapse or Photolapse mode project. This saves the time and hassle of setting the resolution for each new project, especially if you always shoot in 4K, for example.
Flashlight Auto Mode
When the flashlight is enabled in Timelapse mode, the flashlight will automatically turn on and off. This currently only affects intervals longer than 30 seconds.
Keep Screen Awake
With this setting enabled, the app will prevent the screen from automatically turning off during Timelapse captures. Under the hood, this uses a wake-lock, so it does have the potential to drain the device battery faster.
Ask For A Project Name
When creating a new project, you will be prompted to set the project name.
Apply Timestamp
Apply a date/time stamp to all capture images. This is a global setting, so after this is enabled all future captured images will have a timestamp applied. A preview of the timestamp is shown in Timelapse mode to help you to remember when this setting is enabled.
Timestamp Format
The date/time format used for the timestamp text.
Timestamp Position
The position of where the timestamp will be place on the capture image.
Timestamp Size
The size of the timestamp text.
Timestamp Color
The color of the timestamp text.
Timestamp Shadow
When this is enabled, a shadow will be applied behind the timestamp text.
Default Framerate
The frame-rate used to calculate output video duration, etc in Timelapse mode. This will also be used as the default frame-rate for export to video (if possible).
Video Export Save Location
The location where videos that are exported from Velocity Lapse will be saved to. Due to Android storage limitations, only the /Pictures, /DCIM, /Movies, or /Documents folders are supported.
Image Export Save Location
The location where image sequences that are exported from Velocity Lapse will be saved to. Due to Android storage limitations, only the /Pictures, /DCIM, /Movies, or /Documents folders are supported.
Keep Image Aspect Ratio
During export to video, keep the original image aspect ratio rather than cropping to fill the selected video export resolution.
Change the interface language. If you would like to see Velocity Lapse translated into your language and you know English, you can help out. See here for more details.
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Terms and Conditions
View the Terms and Conditions for Velocity Lapse in a web browser.
Privacy Policy
View the Privacy Policy for Velocity Lapse in a web browser.
Licenses and Credits
View the licenses and credits for Velocity Lapse.
Velocity Lapse Version Information
Tap on the version to copy it to your clipboard.
Social Links
Links to the official Velocity Lapse social channels.